There’s a big difference between a satisfied customer and a loyal, regular, raving fan customer. Never settle for satisfied.
We Have The Solution…Client Appreciation

Mobile Communication Gets More Results

Results Oriented
Studies show that of all the people who follow your social media pages, only 2-3% get shown your post! Social has a place but it clearly is not response marketing.
Other studies show that a meager 10-15% +/- open businesses marketing emails.
A further study found that 80% of people would like to receive appreciation offers on their phone. But, only through opt-in. We have strategies that build those opt-ins for you.
The fact is this, just like your employees need to be appreciated in a way that resonates with them, so to do your customers need appreciation. With 80% wanting it through mobile, it is logical that mobile Appreciation Strategies will create far more returns, regulars, and raving fans.+
80% of consumers want your offers and appreciation through mobile.
Implement Gamification through Loyalty Strategies. Those who do see an increase in engagement and action of 48%.
98% of mobile messages get read! 95% of those get read withing 3 minutes of receipt.
Business marketing emails get opened less than 20% of the time. Social is only 2-3%. Enough said.
Yes, good product, service, location, and atmosphere play a role. However, to get regulars and raving fans Appreciation and fun are required.
We have 7 such Loyalty Strategies to choose from. We recommend no more than the 3 that resonate most with you and your clientele.
Building Loyalty, Regulars and Raving Fans is easy, and we do most of the work.
Build an Opt-In Database
All of our programs are opt-in ONLY. You will not upset anyone because they requested your communications. We have a number of easy ways to do this that invite people to join in the fun.
Communicate in the way customers want to communicate.
Send messages that communicate value and appreciation for their participation in your VIP programs This does not have to always be a discount. It is wise not to think of it this way because you are only offering to a select group, not the general public.
Track All Results
You will be very pleased with the ROI facts from this tracking. Remember, it is all mobile. No new POS, no connecting to POS, no learning software. We do it all for you, including monthly reports.
Our 7 Loyalty Programs
We have 7 to choose from but recommend using no more than 3. About 70% of businesses choose 2, with 1 and 3 each getting about 15% each.. The VIP Client Text Marketing Program should be one of them. It gets the most ROI and engagement.
Client Experiences
Dave and Amy’s
Dave, owner of Dave & Amy’s Restaurant in the Detroit area, has had outstanding success. He is still building the opt-in list. He is now at about 700 Opt-ins.
For Black Friday, he wanted to offer, buy 2 $25 gift cards, and get a 3rd free. This does represent a pretty significant discount. But check out the actual bottom line. In that one single day he sold $4,300 worth of cards. Naturally, he was thrilled with a 20+ times ROI. And some of buyers would be giving the cards to others who may have never dined there.
During Lent, cod is on the menu. He decided to do an all you can eat cod special for Thursday & Friday only. He made the offer exclusively through our VIP Diner Texting Program. I received a text from him at 8:00 Friday night. Two simple words. “Got Slammed.” Enough said.
Roma’s Italian and Pizza
Jimmy, owner of Roma’s Italian & Pizza Restaurant in DFW, found some very interesting results.
When we send his offer and invitation to return, he can get 20-30 orders within a half hour. This doesn’t happen every time but pleasing, nonetheless. Significant ROI.
On another occasion he told us that he had been getting a welcome unintended benefit. Many people who called in to order after receiving the text, did not order the discounted meal. Instead, they bought full price off the menu. He knows this drastically reduced the actual percentage discounted and significantly increased ROI.
Quick Results Marketing Loyalty and Appreciation Pricing
Set-up $249
- Creating and setting up each Strategy Selected
- Securing exclusive toll-free number for VIP texting strategy
- Initial Print materials Promoting Selected Strategies and Opt-In
- Purchase distinctly exclusive QR Codes for each Strategy chosen
- Access to all strategies. We recommend a max of 3 with 2 being most common
Monthly Service $249
- Data Storage and Management
- Marketing Consulting for Strategies chosen
- Reporting
Annual Pay $2,375 SAVE over 20%
Text Messages $0.0435 Each 160 Characters (includes spaces & returns

Get In Touch
Whether you’re ready to work with Quick Results Marketing, have questions or want to leave a comment, give us a call or email and we will be happy to hear from you!
About Us
We’ve been working for over 30 years with small businesses in creating vibrant businesses through highly effective marketing strategies. It always seemed to us that those with smaller available funds were prevented from utilizing most marketing strategies. We have changed that.
Quick Results Marketing was founded on saving and growing small businesses with the tools normally out of range to them.
These small businesses desperately need tools, within budget, to show their clients that they are appreciated and invite them back. It is reported that 70% of first time customers never come back. Yikes! We set out to find the mediums for businesses to communicate with their clients, customers, diners, patients, guests, etc.
After much research we landed on Broadcast Texting and Mobile Based Loyalty Programs.
Here are two things I have learned over the years and really took to heart.
“There is not enough Love and Appreciation in the world today. But, if you give it out in slices it will come back in loaves!” Brian Buffini
“You can have everything you want if you help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar
Jeff Weaver, Owner
Quick Results Marketing
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